Angel's Blog EDCI 338

Hi, this is Angel Liu. Welcome to my site.

Blog Post-#5

1.How would you create a PLN prior to engaging a social media campaign on a topic of your choice?

“The relationships that form your PLN often aren’t the teacher-student structure you remember from school.” (Bianca Woods, 2013). You do not accept the knowledge from teacher unilaterally, you also could be the person who teach others skills and knowledge, and vice versa. If I would like to create a PLN to engage a social media before I decide the topic I want to enjoy, the first thing I would do is to learn the operation mode of the social media. Some social media such as Facebook, Instagram use videos, words, tags and pictures to express our thoughts and engage in the community. We also could talk with others through the chatting system they own. Social media such as WordPress, Mattermost mainly use words to introduce ourselves and communicate with others through comment areas. After knowing the functions of the social media I will use, I would like to participate in different kinds of topics that I am interested with actively. I may interested in wooden work, healthcare, knitted fabric, or jewelries. I would like to participate in communication community, online activities, and chat with other person individually. I think after expanding my views of world, I could choose which topic that most interests me and finally determine the topic. I think after all these steps done, my PLN is created as well. 


Bianca Woods (Nov 13, 2013) Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. Retrieved from:

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  1. qianheyu February 23, 2021

    Hi, Angel Liu
    I agree with your combined videos, words, tags, and pictures to express our thought and engage in the community. You said you are interested in wooden work, healthcare, knitted fabric, or jewelries. I think healthcare or mental health is crucial during the pandemic. My question is what specific social media campaign you would like to involve in when you create a PLN? Thanks


    • angelliu February 27, 2021 — Post author

      Thanks for your reply Qianhe! I think from professional aspect, healthcare sector would be the specific one I would like to involve. From my interest perspective, I think currently wooden work would be the specific one I would like to involve.
      Angel Liu

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